Kupala's workshops and webinars build awareness of menopause and teach communication skills that make it easier for women to talk about menopause at work.
There are at least 40 signs and symptoms of menopause.
And many working women don't even realise that the onset of menopause (called perimenopause) is the reason they may be starting to feel more stressed, anxious, forgetful. Why they get more easily annoyed and lose sleep.
Hot flushes, night sweats and erratic periods are the most common signposts of perimenopause, but not everyone will get them. Even though symptoms vary, there's one certainty: that EVERY woman will go through menopause at some stage of her life.
Half the working population go through this experience! Yet even these days, menopause is still a taboo topic in many workplaces.
Contact me to find out about my menopause workshops and webinars and start breaking down this taboo. It's past time.
You can read more about women's issues , such as menopause, in the workplace, and how I can help address them in this article.
"I recently attended one of Kath’s online workshops. Her comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter was obvious, but she was able to communicate these sometimes complex topics in a clear, accessible way to all participants.
The two-day workshop was well planned, with opportunities for group discussion and activities, and never felt overwhelming or stressful. Kath was flexible about taking breaks and adjusting the program when necessary.
It can’t be easy giving a workshop when you can’t see many faces and have minimal feedback, but Kath was very responsive to the mood of the virtual room and managed to keep her delivery personable and friendly the whole way through, despite the usual technical challenges."